In 2008, NICOLE launched a working group (Sustainable Remediation Working Group – SRWG) to assess the application of sustainable principles in remediation projects and to investigate how these principles could be developed and promoted. In September 2010, NICOLE’s SRWG published a Road Map to Sustainable Remediation (SR). The SRWG has now published supporting information that provides the background context and the technical details for the roadmap.
Together with the road map, this series of four interrelated documents are provided to the professional community with the objective to assist any stakeholder involved in a contaminated land management project, of any size, in the implementation of sustainability into their project.
• The “Road Map for Sustainable Remediation”. A concise four-page document that introduces NICOLE’s vision of SR and the necessary steps and principles to implement a successful, sustainable remediation project. This was finalised and published in September 2010.
• The document “Integrating Risk Assessment and Sustainable Remediation” focuses primarily on the challenges of integrating sustainability into a risk-based approach and presents NICOLE’s position on this topic.
• The document “Economics and Tools” reviews the economic aspects associated with SR and provides an overview of tools available on the market to assist with such analysis, as of December 2010.
• The “Sustainable Remediation Indicators” document provides guidance on how to measure the Sustainability of a SR project, and on the indicators that are currently being considered as of May 2011.
The full report is downloadable from the NICOLE Library,
In 2012, the SRWG activity focuses on testing the Road Map on a number of projects with a plan to report back to the wider community of practitioners. For this purpose, NICOLE is currently collecting and compiling case studies with the objectives of building a data base of demonstration projects, and of validating the robustness of the sustainable remediation approach in contaminated land management.
For more information contact the NICOLE SRWG via,,