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IMMERSE Final Conference

2022-03-23 - 2022-03-24


IMMERSE project’s Final Conference from 23-24th March 2022 in the beautiful city of Antwerp!

IMMERSE stands for IMplementing MEasuRes for Sustainable Estuaries, and aims to accelerate the implementation of large-scale measures that address multiple estuary management challenges, while increasing their cost-efficiency and enhancing stakeholder commitment. More information is available on the project website.

We are inviting estuary managers, policy makers and stakeholders from across the North Sea Region and beyond, to share findings from measure development and promote transferability of solutions to other estuaries. Conference sessions will be interactive to ensure diverse exchanges and networking opportunities. The venue will be the Flanders Meeting & Convention Center.

  • Day 1 of the conference will comprise an IMMERSE ”marketplace” of solutions, keynote presentations, panel discussions and breakout sessions on the state of (NSR) estuaries and associated pressures, with perspectives on pathways to sustainably managed estuaries.
  • Day 2 will include optional study visits to up- or downstream locations along the Scheldt estuary, hosted by De Vlaamse Waterweg and the Port of Antwerp.

The IMMERSE project partners invite you or relevant colleagues to participate and help expand the North Sea Region’s knowledge on sustainable estuary management. More information is available on the event page. Note that places are limited to 150 people, so register now to secure a spot!

***Register here***


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